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zmhk 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介exactly_exactly中文翻译       在接下来的时间里,我将为大家提供一些关于exactly的信息,并尽力回答大家的问题。让我们开始探讨一下exactly的话题吧。1.exactly的意思2.exactly形容词形式3.e






4.exactly 是 什么意思?





        Each corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height.



        Eve nodded, almost approvingly. 'Exactly.'



        He's not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.



        This was not exactly what I wanted to hear.



        Exactly what are you trying to tell me?




       exactly 英[?g?z?ktli] 美[?ɡ?z?ktli]

       adv. 恰恰; 确切地; 精确地; 完全地,全然;

       [例句]So I think we are very timely with our new proposal that meets exactly the new requirements of the public.


       [其他] 形近词: exacted exactor exacter





       1. 确切的,精确的

       It was difficult to tell her exact age.


       2. 精确无误的,精密的

       The scholar is an exact thinker.



       形容词,很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。形容词主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征、或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。

exactly 是 什么意思?


       短语搭配:exactly correct 精确的;divide exactly 被除数能被除数除尽的除法运算;Exactly right 完全准确 ; 究竟权利 ; 完全正确 ; 绝对正确;exactly equal 完全平等 ; 恰好等于;more exactly 更加准确 ; 更准确地说 ; 更准确 ; 更加确切;exactly discount 正好打折


       1、What exactly do I have to do?那你到底要我做些什么?

       2、So what do you have to do exactly ?那么你必须做的是什么呢?

       3、I know exactly what to do.我知道到底要做什么了。



       5、In this system, analysts say, Mr. Zhou's role is akin to that of an economic adviser a position not exactly on par with Ms. Clinton's.



       副词: 刚










       造句:used to emphasize that sth is correct in every way or in every detail 精确地;准确地;确切地

       I know exactly how she felt. 我完全清楚她的感受。

       Do exactly as I tell you. 严格按我说的办。

       It happened almost exactly a year ago. 这事情发生差不多正好一年了。

       It's exactly nine o'clock. 现在是九点整。

       You haven't changed at all—you still look exactly the same. 你一点没变 看上去完全是老样子。

       His words had exactly the opposite effect. 他的话产生了截然相反的效果。

       Your answer is exactly right. 你的回答完全正确。

       It was a warm day, if not exactly hot. 这一天即使算不上热,也是一个暖和的日子。

       used to ask for more information about sth (要求得到更多信息)究竟,到底 spoken

       Where exactly did you stay in France? 你究竟呆在法国什么地方?

       Exactly what are you trying to tell me? 你到底想对我说什么? disapproving

       used as a reply, agreeing with what sb has just said, or emphasizing that it is correct (答语,表示赞同或强调正确)一点不错,正是如此,完全正确

       ‘You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?’ ‘Exactly.’ “你的意思是这屋子里肯定有人是凶手?”“正是。”

       Idiom: not exactly spoken

       used when you are saying the opposite of what you really mean (说反话时用)根本不;决不;一点也不

       He wasn't exactly pleased to see us—in fact he refused to open the door. 他根本不愿见我们 其实他连门都不开。

       It's not exactly beautiful, is it?(= it's ugly) 这一点也不美,是吗?

       used when you are correcting sth that sb has said (纠正对方刚说过的话)不完全

       ‘So he told you you'd got the job?’ ‘Not exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.’ “如此看来,他对你说你得到这份工作了?”“不完全是这样,不过他说我给他们留下了深刻的印象。”
