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zmhk 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介business_business是什么意思       今天,我将与大家分享关于business的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.bus







       business 英[?b?zn?s] 美[?b?zn?s]

       n. 生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业;

       [例句]Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.


       [其他] 复数:businesses


       1. 生意,如:How is your business? 生意如何?

       2. 业务,如:Our business hours are 8 to 18. 我们营业时间是八点至十八点。

       3. 企业,如:business managemant 企业管理

       4. 应做的事,如: It's none of your business. 不关你的事。

       5. 商行,店铺,如:I will open my own business. 我要开一家自己的店。

       6. 要事,要务,如:I have an urgent bu1 不可数名词商业;买卖;交易;生意

        Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.


       2 不可数名词业务量;营业额

        Business is booming.


       3 可数名词工商企业;公司;商店;商铺

        A business is an organization which produces and sells goods or which provides a service.

       4 任务;职责;工作

        Business is work or some other activity that you do as part of your job and not for pleasure.

       5 行业;(某一领域的)工作

        You can use business to refer to a particular area of work or activity in which the aim is to

        make a profit

       6 眼前所做之事;手头的事

        You can use business to refer to something that you are doing or concerning yourself with

       7 个人的事;私事

        If you say that something is your business, you mean that it concerns you personally and

        that other people have no right to ask questions about it or disagree with it. siness. 我有急事。 赞同0| 评论

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       business英音:['b?zn?s]美音:['biznis]词典解释business名词 n.1. 生意,交易;商业;营业;行业[U][C]2. 商店;商行;公司;企业[C]3. 职责,本分;分内事;权利[U]
